TRADEMARKS: The Story behind the Business

 Surprise PartyIt’s been a tough but miraculous way! Going into downtown LA jewelry mart is an experience of a lifetime.  I seriously thought the US National Debt could be eliminated by the amount of gold, silver, platinum and diamonds I saw on one street!  I bought supplies with $300 and made about 100 necklaces of different designs.  In 2006-2007 the real estate bubble popped, and street fairs were being overrun by jewelry makers trying to supplement their income.  I called everywhere, from Santa Barbara down to San Clemente and the answer was NO to me because I made jewelry.  But wait… there was one reluctant market manager who was willing to see me and my jewelry, Randi in San Juan Capistrano, CA. but she said it was a long shot because she already had too many jewelers.  I picked up my necklaces and drove down to see her that minute.  Randi agreed to give me a card table size space at the furthest end of the street – “People hardly came down that far” she told me.  I was thankful for the YES!  My first Street fair!  Yippee! 

I came with my necklaces on a board and set up on a card table.  That day a mom and daughter; Judi & Kristie Courtney, decided to drive down from Los Alamitos to San Juan Capistrano for the street fair and they came to my booth!  You could feel their excitement and joy that they found me… they loved my story and design of my necklaces and asked me, “Do you do home parties?”  YES!  I replied and was going to ask for their number when Judi the mom pulled out her planner and said, “I’m available in two weeks can you come to my house, I’d like to invite my friends from work and have them hear you and see your jewelry.”  Absolutely!  I replied… Yet, I had NO idea that my life had just changed, from testing out if this is what God wanted me to do with my talent to solidifying my course that jewelry IS part of my purpose.   Come to find out- Judi and the ladies she worked with were all the executive assistants for Disneyland!!

The ladies circled around me as I shared my story, some even cried.  Then like bee’s they began to buzz about what to do, what to say and how they could help me.  I sat in amazement and then the questions came… Do you have a company name? No.  Brand? No.   Trademark?  No.  Or Packaging? No.    “We can take our necklaces in baggies but to grow a business you need packaging,” They told me the packaging need to be easy to carry for people at Disneyland.  I couldn’t believe my ears- did they say Disneyland?  I literally felt like I was hearing a different language and at the same time as if  I had won the lottery!  I knew the words but didn’t know the meaning.   They gave me two weeks to produce a Brand, Packaging and be Trademarked-  if I could do that and show them what I had produced - than they would get me a meeting with the Kiosk manager and give me a shot at getting a KIOSK at Downtown Disney! 

Now, I knew what I needed to do; I just didn’t know how to get it done. Two weeks later a miracle happened… Tomorrow, I tell you that miracle!  I see the pattern of God’s timeline and provision repeating itself.  Right now, I know what I need to do; I just don’t know how to get it done… Yet, I know He will DO it again!  Visit me, watch my 5 min video!  Donate to my campaign and receive a Charise Noel handmade necklace of your own as appreciation from me and my team.

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