It’s been a tough but miraculous way! You can see the EXTRA hosts showing my jewelry on extra. I was chosen as a product to be on the Nation-wide product demonstration!!! The requirements were extensive, I had to have 3,000 sets of necklaces in the EXTRA distribution warehouse in LA. The packaging had to be drop box tested and barcodes specific to their system… all within a month! Kortni and I made all the necklaces, while my dad cut the chain and my mom packaged and barcoded all the boxes! Impossible math of all of us working together, we did it! Thankfully, I had the money from my shows to buy all the supplies and pay Kortni, so I wasn’t in debt.
The day that Charise Noel jewelry aired on EXTRA, we had a little party and were excited to see it demonstrated on National TV! We were all stunned- it was less than 30 seconds long, they didn’t demonstrate ANY of the unique features of how it worked, and it looked like a regular necklace! I think we all were disappointed, but I was crushed!!! Not only that- but less than 150 necklaces sold- the warehouse sent out the wrong sets to 100% of those that ordered. The manager of the warehouse refused to give me customer info because of privacy issues… but when I reasoned that they didn’t know how to fix it and I did- they let me handle it so that I could make it right for the customers. After the network took their portion of sales- I received a check for less than $100. After I drove to pick up the other necklaces that didn’t sale, I walked away with enough to take my mom and dad out to dinner.
I cried and cried and cried. I lamented to the Lord that I felt like a total looser and was not understanding why God would allow us to do all this work, just to have it, in my eyes, fail. My mom and dad encouraged me that God always has a purpose for our failures and that He doesn’t see them as that- only we do. God see’s it as the kindest answer he can give us.
This was the point of GODS BIGGEST PROVISSION: We made a pivot and started selling that necklace ONLY at all the County Fairs, street fairs and shows that I did. The necklace name was Magic, and I made more money selling the one necklace and earring Magic set, then I did ALL my other designs combined! I had enough product to last me 2 years of shows! 100% Profit. The first year November 2014, my income helped support us as I married my husband Joe and became a stepmom to Amaris & Elijah. The second year August 2015, my income helped us buy a 3-bedroom house in San Marcos, CA that has been a wonderful home to us! I applied for my first patent and paid for it. (I didn't get that patent) And not to spoil what comes next- But you can sing the song… “First comes love, then comes marriage… then comes the???” Yep! Baby Kara, my first child at 39 yrs. was born in September 2017!
If you remember my first posting called DREAMS: The Story behind the Business I talked about how God gave me a design of and necklace through a dream and I named it, the Promise. I said that God miraculously fulfilled that dream. That was the man I married, I would marry, have a house and a child in 3 YEARS! It truly seemed impossible- but God’s timing is accurate, and his math which seems impossible to us- is possible with him! Psalm 138:8 “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” – and He will do it again! Check out the Dream Post at
Hi Charise! It’s such a pleasure to see your website & see where the Lord has taken you. You may remember…? You & I met at the San Bernardino County Fair in Victorville. My daughter in law Tricia was still working there in spite of her Stage IV breast cancer. We had her for 6 years! Our Lord took her home in 2017. I’m so happy you wrote about your hubby & the kids. My hubby David says hello. Hugs
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