INSPIRATION: The Story behind the Business

Things you don’t know about my Inspiration. It’s been a tough but miraculous way! When my mom was still battling stage 4 cancer in 2000, I was engaged to be married, which people in my life were excited for on account that it was a joyful occasion that my mom could live to see. But three weeks before, he called off the wedding. I was devastated and the failure I felt was crushing and blinding.
• I left my teaching job, family, friends and church in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and went to my friend Edith’s parents in Springfield Missouri. In short… I got a little lost and ran away. Not knowing how to handle this level of rejection…. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My mom felt abandoned in her greatest suffering.
• For a year we struggled in our mother daughter relationship, during this time we both independently grew to depend on the Lord. God the father/mother of us ALL was becoming my personal ABBA. At the same time my mom was experiencing miraculous healing of her cancer! My Mom’s Hard turned to Hope as she drew near her Savior.
• When we compare ourselves to others, look to others or ourselves or even our dreams as to where we find satisfaction, than we ALWAYS fail in some way. God let me FAIL in my dreams of happily ever after at that moment, He let me RUN from my pain and He came with me… and He stayed with my mom, family, friends, and church. When I turned my eyes from myself to my Heavenly Father, I found out I was His child…
• God renews and restores relationships and puts them right and when he does he makes them better. Several years later my mom and I got to work on jewelry together...YEAH...We had fun! We had honesty and we had each other! visit me, watch my 5 min video! Donate to my campaign and receive a Charise Noel handmade necklace of your own as appreciation from me and my team.

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